The holidays are over and now I've got the fever once again. I'm spending some of my waking and sleeping hours thinking of being out in the field. I really want to do a winter trip again, but the hurricane force winter winds have prevented me from getting too serious just yet. I'm thinking of February or March this year and Yellowstone would certainly be at the top of my list for favorite spots.
I'vc continued to sell large panorama prints and they are certainly a favorite format of mine. My commercial clients and private collectors are purchasing and inspite of the nationwide economic downturn, the Lord has continued to bless me. Sales are good and I have some new ideas for the upcoming year about places to show and market my work.
In addition to these things that have been keeping me busy, I've got something really special planned for all of you who visit my blog and the news page on my website. I took a leap to make a purchase of something I've been needing for awhile and will incorporate this new addition to my stable of business equipment to give you something I think you will enjoy. It will allow me to share experiences from my photographic past with you in a truly unique way. I've still got a few details to work out, but it is a sure thing now - just need a little more time to get it all put together.
One of the topics will be Grizzly Bears and the time I was able to spend with my friend Larry Roop, trapping these magnificent creatures. Did you know that nearly 30 years ago I was asked to shoot pictures f

or a National Geographic article on bear trapping? There's a hint, but that is all you get for now.
The image enclosed is from my last trip this past fall. My wife captured this image of me loaded with a tripod and camera picking my way through a lot of underbrush to get to a location where I made a large panorama of Battle Mountain. It was one of those especially warm fall days that I love so much. Good memories!
Well keep tuned in for big changes and additions. If you have not signed up for automatic notification of new blog posts, now would be a great time to do so. It is quite painless. Just click on the email notification link on the left and you will get a brief notification anytime a new post is added to this blog. You will get no spam or other email from me. That way you don't have to keep checking back continuously.