The Cheyenne Regional Medical Center will open its new Transitional Care Unit to patients on September 3rd. The patients and staff will be treated to special views of Wyoming scenery. CRMC purchased 8 large panoramas and some smaller prints to decorate the long hallways and dining areas of the TCU.
Patients that will be walking the hallways of TCU will pass by the long panoramas and enjoy Wyoming's spectacular scenery while recuperating. They will enjoy vistas of magnificent red rock country standing in the shadows of snow-capped mountains in a large 8 foot wide panorama of Chimney Rock. Continue along the hallway to see a print called 'The Way to the Burning Bush,' a photograph made in southeastern Wyoming of bewitching sandstone formations.
If you continued your walk around the corridors you would turn the corner to be greeted by a fabulous fall vista of Tensleep Canyon in the southern Bighorn Mountains. Further down the hallway you will see a large panorama of Oxbow Bend in Grand Teton National Park. The panorama was made in the early spring of 2007 just after the new foliage appeared on the aspens and is highlighted by the brilliant red colors of the willows along the shores of the Snake River.
If you cross the area of the nurses station and continue down the hallway towards the dining room, you will pass by another 8 foot wide panorama of an aspen forest floor. The panorama was made in the Sierra Madres of southern Wyoming. You almost feel like you could take a step into the scene and enjoy the beauty and smells of the fresh foliage of the forest. If you take a side step into the dining room, you will find a vertical panorama of a waterall taken in the Beartooth Mountains of northwest Wyoming.
Move back into the hallways and continue your journey around the state and at the northeast corner you will see a smaller print of Beartooth Butte overlooking Beartooth Lake. This is magnificent country and the Rocky Mountains at their finest. If you look around the corner from this print you will see a panorama print taken in the Snowy Range. It is a vista of the rugged cliffs overlooking the three lakes that highlight this mountain scene. The panorama was taken at sunrise and overlooks Bellamy Lake. It was taken in June of 2006. Look closely and you will see ice still on the lake even in the middle of June.
Next you will take a left turn to see something really special. Walk a short way down the hallway and look at a magnificent 12 foot wide panorama of the Tetons. This is a two section panorama that was made in the late afternoon from Togwotee Pass east of Jackson Hole. It shows the entire expanse of this magnificent mountain range.
If you look back over your shoulder, you will see the large Teton panorama and the Snowy Range panorama at the end of the hallway. Continue down toward the nurses station and on your left is a special print of Vedauwoo and the rock formation called Potato Chip Rock. This is a special piece made on one of those rare days in the early spring when the new foliage is covered in hoar frost. It is a fairyland kind of scene of this hauntingly beautiful area close to home for many of us. It was a prize winning panorama in last years Southeast Wyoming Art Show.
Finally, if you cross the nurses station area once again, and head back to our starting place, you will see a small panorama of the Black Hills. It was made last fall in an area near Devils Tower and is typical of the the scenery in this part of Wyoming.
Well there you have the complete tour of the new Transitional Care Unit of Cheyenne Regional Medical Center. We hope the patients and staff will enjoy these panorama images of Wyoming during their stay to full recovery, then have opportunity to go out and enjoy these places for themselves. Thanks to CRMC for giving these gifts to their paitents and staff.