Greetings and Welcome!

I've been photographing Wyoming and all of its wild residents for my entire 38 year career, and it never gets old or tiring. If the good Lord gave me several lifetimes I could not accomplish all that I dream of or visit all of the places in this state I've called home for 57 years.

I have two websites currently that showcase my work at and There you will see galleries of landscape images, Wyoming's wildlife and wildflowers and special galleries of my favorite place, Yellowstone National Park and my favorite large mammal, Bison Bison or the buffalo as many call them. There is a special gallery dedicated to this fascinating creature and I've even made a special tribute print called 'Tatanka and the Iron Horse - the Decimations Haunting Specter' remembering the near extinction of this most significant symbol of the west. My intrigue for this wonderful animal will continue for as long as I can make trips to photograph them.

You can read all about my work, my career and individual pictures by visiting the website, but here I will share with you special places that have particular interest to me, see how I travel and shoot my images, read about some of my past and present experiences, meet friends that have shared special times with me, hear my ramblings about equipment, and hopefully respond to some of your comments.

Well, that is enough of an introduction. Welcome to my world - Images of Wyoming.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Autumn Travels

Well, the season I love the most has finally arrived and in fine fashion. All summer long I've waited for autumn, but getting out in the field hasn't been without its trials and tribulations. I had picture installations to do (that wasn't a bad thing, having sold some large panoramas, but it took a lot of time), getting the camper ready after a summer of inactivity, vehicle problems, and list went on.

After finally determining that everything and everyone else had to be relegated to a lesser priority, I finally got out of town with my wife for a couple of days to spend in the Snowy Range. It was a trial trip to make sure everything was in order for the longer fall excursions. Boy was I glad we made that trip. I had forgotten some key things, had some generator issues, and lost a key part to my photographic gear for shooting panoramas. I had gotten rusty over the summer and needed this time to clear my head and rethink my needs, equipment and do some field trials. It was frustrating but necessary.

Well, we got back home and I spent three more days 'fixing' all the things that needed attention. I got off again in four more days and arrived in the Sierra Madres at the peak of the colors. It was spectacular. I shot over 300 images in the first two hours after my arrival and setting up camp. The next two days were spent in my photographic mode I call 'controlled frenzy'. I made over 20 new panoramas and dozens of wonderful images. In the accompanying image, you can see my rig and the place that I camped. The colors over the entire region were more beautiful than at any time I had photographed them in the past.

Unfortuantely, I had a major generator failure and had to return home one more time after all the batteries in cameras, laptops and the camper ran out of power. That generator was crucial to any type of primitive camping environment. I'm taking these few moments to write this blog entry, getting ready to replace the generator and taking off again in a few days for the next phase of my fall trips. Just wanted to keep you posted on what to expect in the next few months. The fall pictures will be my very best and the panoramas mind boggling. I can't wait to share them with you, but I'm even more excited to get back in the field. Have a great autumn season wherever you are. I certainly intend to have more exciting adventures. Jerry

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